Thursday 29 August 2019


Why Okwu Is Vying For Oju/Obi Federal Constituency Seat 

Barrister Otogo Ogbu
Barrister Otogo Ogbu, a chieftain of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) in Benue State, is a senior legislative aide to Rt. Hon. Samson Okwu, Chairman, House of Representatives Committee on Air Force, representing Oju/Obi federal constituency of the state on the party’s platform. In this interview with EJIKEME OMENAZU on behalf of his principal, he spoke on salient issues concerning the recently held general elections in the federal constituency, especially as the electoral umpire did not give any of the candidates the certificate of returns due to crisis during the election. Excerpt:
How did your principal feel when he learnt the House of Representatives election he had hoped to win was not going the way he desired, but in favour of Hon. David Ogewu, his All Progressives Grand Alliance (APGA) opponent?
I am not Rt. Hon. Samson Okwu. I cannot really hold his brief as concerns this situation. But, if you are asking for my personal opinion, like it is always said, ‘Even the devil does not know man’s intention.’ The election was conducted and still remains inconclusive because a clear winner has not emerged yet and certificate of return has not been issued to anyone yet. It is practically impossible to preempt the political games at the National Assembly as it stands now because the Ninth National Assembly will be inaugurated formally on June 9, 2019. Therefore, it is early to preempt anything now as it concerns my principal.
What would you say are the chances of victory for your principal at the tribunal?
I am glad that you are aware that this candidate has gone to tribunal and as a lawyer we know when a matter is before a tribunal, it has become subjudice and you don’t talk about it. The court knows what to say because those that went to tribunal have gone with certain prayers and they have to canvass for those prayers for the presiding judges to now decide based on the merit of the case.
What makes you think the APGA candidate, Hon. David Ogewu, who was declared by the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) was not the real winner, hence your camp went to the tribunal?
I hope you are also aware that the electoral body that declared the rival winner later declared the election inconclusive.
There were some allegations that your principal, Hon. Samson Okwu, was involved in ballot box snatching. How would you react to this?
There were six candidates for House of Representatives election in Oju/Obi federal constituency. Hon. Samson Okwu also contested. From Obi local government axis, we had three candidates which everyone knew. The fact is that some people who do not just like Hon. Samson Okwu. There is nothing good that they see in him. So, they started to fabricating lies against him. My heart bleeds for Igede nation because of the high level of ignorance, sentiments and lies that have been exhibited during this recent election. In my experience all these past years, I have never seen this type of thing before. I begin to have a rethink about the character of our people because Igede people were known to be truthful and integrity. But, the reverse is the case now just because they don’t like Hon. Okwu. Like our people usually say, if you want to kill a dog, you give it a bad name.
Rt. Hon. Okwu has been in the House of Representatives for almost eight years. What would you say are his achievements all these years? What democracy dividends did he attract to the people of Oju/ Obi federal constituency?
He has done much for Igede people. The problem is that we do not give enough publicity to his achievements. That is the problem. The person of Rt. Hon. Samson Okwu, as I do know him, is not somebody who sells himself by propaganda. He is somebody who believes that the project he has sited will speak for his people. I will mention some of the projects he has done. He has constructed or influences the construction of several blocks of classrooms across Oju/Obi federal constituency. One is in my community. But, it was set ablaze before the election because some people in the community do not want anything good. One is in Oboru, particularly Ohoboru Community Secondary School. We have so many of them. We have one at Ega-Okileme. We have in Ainu Centre. Those are the ones in Oju I am talking about. We also have at Nwoku at Adokpa council ward.
Also, Rt. Hon. Okwu has cited several boreholes across Oju/Obi federal constituency. We have the one of Okute. We have the one of Iboke, we have others in Obi local government. He bought several transformers. He boost electricity distribution in Oju/Obi federal constituency. This is a man who cares for his people. Every December, he spends between N12 million and N13 million to acquire bags foreign rice, which he presents to our people. Yet, that is not enough for the people to appreciate him. He also gives financial support to indigent people. He has registered about 75 final year students of ICSS Okileme during his first term at the National Assembly. As I am talking right now, he has supplied electricity poles to Nwoku, even also to Ohuma communities.
Before the election also, if you see the road from Oju-Ikachi linking king Oboru, which project is still ongoing, he brought grader to work on the road to a point. Although an election year is not a project year, he has however tried to do certain things for the people and the communities in the constituency.
I have list of many things; but, I am not here to read them. But, people who do not like Hon. Samson Okwu will say he has not done anything to deserve a third term. During his first term, he was challenged. The elders gathered and said they could not send him to the National Assembly, I did not know the reason.
In America and other European countries where this democracy was imported from, they have made a certain business as a career. What I mean is there in America, a legislator will be encouraged to continue till he is tired. He will now say I am signing out. But, in our own society, people do not want the progress of others.
Rt. Hon. Samson Okwu deserves a third term because he has done well in the National Assembly. This is a man who has initiated a bill; sponsored a bill in respect of Pension Reform Act 2004, a bill for the establishment of Air force University in Zaria. When the Oju 2 federal constituency election was not held he moved a motion on the floor of the lower chamber urging the INEC to contest election there and it was done, and today, we can talk about Oju/Obi having three seats at the state House of Assembly.
He has influenced the employment of several Igede sons and daughters into the Air Force. I know several persons who he influenced their employment with NEPA, NTA, Civil Defense, etc. But today, somebody will stand somewhere and say no, he has not done anything, just because they don’t like him. He is the political leader of Igede nation at the moment. He has provided exemplary leadership for our people and he is still ready to do more.
What is your advice to the people of Igede nation?
To achieve greatness in anything, there must be criticisms. But, that criticism must be constructive. For any society to move forward, everyone must be united and there should be unity of purpose by the people. There must be one direction towards achieving the goal of that particular society. Therefore, my advice to the Igede people is for them to respect the wishes of the people, to respect the divine mandate given to Hon. Samson Okwu to represent Igede nation at the National Assembly. They should stop ganging up. They should stop acrimony. Let them stop disaffection. It will not help us. Let them not try to create a situation where hatred will be the core value of our society. The Igede nation has a core value to unite together as an entity, respect, hard work. But today, such core values are fading away. It should not be so

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